Entlebucher Sennenhond
Wroclaw Poland (+48 694 860 749)
Ukraine, Dnipro (+38 050 756 5385)
"ISOLA DEI TESORI" - huiselijke kennel.
Onze puppy's groeien bij ons in huis op, waar ze voortdurend contact hebben met mensen en de basisregels van het leven in de menselijke samenleving leren. Tegelijkertijd worden de pups opgevoed in een roedel, waar ze de wetten en hiërarchie die onder honden heersen, leren kennen. Dit is van groot belang voor het ontwikkelen van een passende houding ten opzichte van mensen bij de puppy's. De beste socialisatie van puppy's vindt plaats vóór de achtste levensweek.
Het belangrijkste doel van onze kennel is het fokken van mentaal en fysiek gezonde rashonden.
We helpen u graag bij het kiezen van een puppy, vertellen u alles over het ras en geven aanbevelingen over opvoeding en training. Alle puppy's in onze kennel hebben FCI-stambomen, een Europees dierenpaspoort, zijn behandeld tegen parasieten en zijn gevaccineerd volgens hun leeftijd.
Puppy`s te koop:

Over het ras

Keeping an Entlebucher Mountain Dog will not cause any problems for the owner if the dog is properly trained from a young age. The Entlebucher can live in both a private house and an apartment.
The main character traits of the Entlebucher Mountain Dog are independence, devotion, and self-confidence.
Dogs of this breed are excellent family pets. They love being in the company of people and always try to participate in all household activities, just to stay close to the family.

Trips to nature, picnics, and outdoor games in a large group are the ultimate pleasure for an energetic Sennenhund. But that does not mean that such a friendly dog cannot perform guard duties. By nature, it has the instincts of a guard dog, shepherd, and hunter.
The Sennenhund gets along well with children and is very friendly. It is an tireless playmate that brings enthusiasm and optimism to everyone around. However, because this breed belongs to working dogs and not companion dogs, a child is not suitable as the primary caregiver.
A well-trained Entlebucher, despite its energetic character, behaves well in the house and does not misbehave. It is important to teach a puppy from a young age how to behave.
Even after mastering the basic commands (place, come, stop, sit, etc.), it is important to schedule training sessions from time to time. In other words, repeating the learned material remains essential.
The Entlebucher Mountain Dog has an average lifespan of 12-15 years. The lifespan directly depends on living conditions, diet, and veterinary care. All these aspects must be provided to the pet by the owner.
In addition to good living conditions, the Entlebucher needs regular deworming, routine vaccinations, and annual preventive check-ups at the veterinarian.
Treatment against skin parasites should also not be neglected, especially in spring and summer when tick season begins.
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